Hey Money Buddies!
If you celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you had a great one. We’re prepping our Thanksgiving meal with the kids. Well, I’m not. My wife and daughter are.
You can tell what I’m working on. 🙂 Yep, another Fav 5.
You’ll find some great info here, for sure.
Invest $100, Get $50 with Wealthsimple!! – Offer Ends November 30 (Life and My Finances) – My wife and I have been investing for decades now, but we haven’t had the apps and such to do so.
We got started with an “Advisor” who actually sold us stuff. She, and the last advisor, were Commissionologists. Folks making money.
New investors don’t need an actual advisor to help the get started. Wealth Simple is such a vehicle.
I learned of Wealth Simple from Derek of Life and My Finances. I figured I’d give it a try and share my experiences. I just set up my account, so there’s not much to report yet, but you can learn a bunch from Derek’s post.
Compound Interest Will Make You Rich, But Most People Completely Ignore Compound Spending (My Money Wizard) – I was bumbling through personal finance for years before I really learned of the power of compounding interest, both good and bad.
It’s only today that I learned of the concept of Compound Spending. Hmmm. Never thought of that before.
Buy something and have to spend more money on it, Compound Spending. I recently did that when I purchased a 1994 retired Kawasaki Police bike. Wiring harness was toasted at the regulator connector, so I “HAD” to order a replacement harness. The fuse box was a sketchy aftermarket piece that also “Had” to be replaced.
Yep, guilty.
This article from My Money Wizard really teaches about Compound Spending. Are you guilty as I am?
Why Are You Building Wealth? (Stevie G at My Family on a Budget) – It’s only been the past few years that I realized that Selena and I are building wealth.
For the most part, we thought we were just paying the bills, paying down debt, and putting money away for retirement.
I guess it’s since we retired that I realized that our portfolio has continued to grow and my little bit of income has helped pay for some of my spending. All with us not having to go to (Oh, the four-letter word) JOBS.
My roomie, who I now call Stevie G, has written some good stuff in this post.
Are you building wealth? If so, why?
Selena and I are building it so we can spend it and pass some on to our 4 kids.
Tips to Help You Get Out of Debt (Brian of Debt Discipline) – Debt, another 4-letter word, which to me is worse than the F-bomb. Debt is a leach on your wealth building income.
Brian has some great ideas to help bust debt and direct more $$$ towards more important goals, such as college costs for twins (Which Brian has), emergency funds, retirement accounts, etc.
If you want to kick debt to the curb, check out Brian’s awesome ideas.
Patience is the Ultimate Passive Income (Keep Thrifty) – Selena and I have known that patience has a lot to do with making money, at least from the Stock Market stand point.
We’ve never really looked at in this manner, though.
There’s some great ideas here on how to save money.
We’ve actually done a few of them. Check the article out for great ideas.
Well, we’re about to get our Thanksgiving food coma on, as we’re now celebrating with the kids, but while the feast has been prepped, I’ve done a few DIY projects for the Daughter and put this collection together.
As for Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for my family, friends, and the opportunity to help others get their finances in order.
Definitely a fun ride. Just over a year now.
So, did you find a post that resonates with you? Read any great ones that you’d like to share?
Give us a shout!