The Terrific Ten (Minus 2): 10 Great Posts to Help You With Your Finances – January 21, 2018

Hey, Money Buddies!

Been a while. I’m trying to get back on track, after some rough times.

Anywho, another story for another blog.

Hope things have been going well for everybody.

Not bad here. I’m on the “Green Side of the Grave” and have some energy again.

So, it’s time to fire up another Terrific 10. Ten great posts to help you with your finances.

Man, I wish I’d access to stuff like this back in my 20’s.

I’d have a BUNCH more money if I have. Oh well, better late than never.

So, here you go; the latest Terrific 10!!

Tah, Dah!!!


This time, I’m focusing on bloggers that I’ve never found before, but I can’t confirm that there will be no repeats this time. Presented in no particular order, another Terrific 10!!!!!

Broke Phi Broke (Jerry Brown at Peerless Money Mentor dot Com) – Not sure how this dude ended up on my “Radar” but I’m glad he did. He’s got some awesome stuff to share.

I can relate to being a member of Broke Phi Broke, althoug I was never actually initiated. I’d hate to know that Broke Phi Broke’s initiation requirements are.

Anyway, check this post out for some great financial stuff. “Stuff.” One of my favorite words. Much better than “Moist.” JS!

glenn-carstens-peters-190592 A Personal Finance Checklist for the New Year (Kris at Chroncicles of a Father With Cents) – Checklists. I like checklists. They remind me of my pilot days. Pre-flight checklist. Takeoff checklist. Landing checklist. EMERGENCY checklist. Luckily never had to use that one. 🙂

Anywho, Kris has a great Financial Checklist in this piece. I REALLY like Review Your Retirement Contributions. You don’t want to work until you die, do you?

Check out Kris’ post for more great stuff.

Our Big Financial Goal For 2018 (Tread Lightly, Retire Early) – Another Retire Early proponenet and I love it. I retired kind of early, but not as early as others. That’s okay. I’m going to help others do what I didn’t do.

So, Tread Lightly, Retire has some good stuff here. I really like the “Clothes Buying Ban.” 🙂 There’s other great stuff, but that kind of hit home because I was looking at my closet and realized, I HAVE WAY TOO MANY CLOTHES!  Got some going to “Goodwill” this week.

How about you? What’s your big financial goal? Mine? Increase our Net Worth and Positive Cash Flow.

Blog postSpend Your Money On Increasing Your Net Worth (The Budgeting Wife) – Net Worth. I love those words. Had no idea in my early adult years, with the exception of buying a Volley Ball set and figured the “Net” was not “Worth” what I paid. Just saying.


cashcrone, saving money, frugal , budget8 Easy Tricks to Start a Savings Account (CashCrone) – Savings. Another one of my favorite words. Whether it’s on purchases or money going into my account. Took me a number of years to figure out how to save to an account, for the future. Did figure it out and it’s been great.

I really like the point about making automatic contributions from a “Pay Check.” It takes you, “The Middle Man,” out of the system, so it’s more likely to happen.

I also like, “Bill to Save, one of the great ideas in this post.” We “Coin to Save,” as we already have a bunch of bills saved and are saving, so we toss coins into our actual Piggy Bank.

How to Save Money with a Flexible Spending Account (Kathy at The Baby Boomer Super Saver) – I had heard of these accounts, but not the benefits. Wow! Such a loss when one could have done us some good.

If you’re still working, then you owe it to yourself to read this article. Everything that you can do to save money and decrease your tax liability will move you forward.

Check this piece out for some good info!

What The F%@K is Investing?What the F%@K is Investing? (Financially Mint) – Okay. I have to admit. When I saw the title, I HAD to check it out. I was not disappointed. Great Sh!t here. My, bad. 🙂

Key point, the post reaffirms what I belive, “Investing is putting your money to work making more money for you.” Simple, that’s it.

Savings will make you a little, but Investing makes more.

Learn more by reading the post.

Click through to find out how we made money selling our old CDs and DVDs. | decluttering | tidying up | minimalism |How We Made Money By Decluttering (Farmhouse Finance) – When I saw the post, I had to check out the website and checked out “About Us, where I saw, “Teachers’ Salaries.” Yep, that caught my eyes. I was in education for 27+ years, so I can relate. I’m guilty of “Owning” clutter. Yeah, I have a LOT of shit. Too much shit, so when I saw the title I HAD to check it out.

DeCluttr was an interesting word and once again, I had to see what it was about. Sounds like something I need to check out.


Well, there was supposed to be 10, but I’m running a little behind with things. I trip to the ER, on Monday,  for extremely high blood pressure and a visit to the doctor yesterday has set all my stuff behind.

Well, better late than never.

Anywho. Hope you enjoy the great stuff posted above. I know I have.

Until next time, Peace!

About Keith

Keith is a "60 Years Young" former teacher and counselor who's blundered through the world of personal finance, learning the basics later in life than he likes. It's his mission to share as much about personal finance as possible, helping others get a handle on it, much earlier than he did.
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