Been a while since I’ve shared great info from other blog sites, but that’s changing with this selection.
Here’s five more great sources of info to help you out with money and, maybe, other stuff in your life.
Click on the images to jump to the articles.
I’ve been a proponent of not receiving a tax refund, as I don’t believe in loaning the government interest free money. This article has ideas to the contrary. From Route to Retire dot Com.
I don’t have any IRAs, but know of them because of my ex-wife’s IRA. As it was her 401K that was rolled over when she retired, she and her financial advisor made the decision to go with a traditional IRA. If you’re looking into IRAs, then this article will give you some insight to help guide you in your decision making. From My Family on a Budget dot Com
I played a number of sports in my younger years, but have never transfered any of sports experiences or knowledge to my financial journey. This post shares some good ideas, in doing so. From White Coat Investor dot Com
I have two degrees, but have never had student loans. I was fortunate in that my parents were able to pay for my first degree. I paid for my Masters by cash flowing the cost. On the other hand, my Sweetheart is paying off student loans, taken out to put her two daughters through college. This post offers some options and insight in refinancing student loans. From Bible Money Matters dot Com
Although I do have some money saved, I am BIG on investing. You don’t get much return on savings, but you sure can on investing. I learned a few new avenues in this article. I suggest you check them out. From Do Not Save Money dot Com
Keith is a "60 Years Young" former teacher and counselor who's blundered through the world of personal finance, learning the basics later in life than he likes. It's his mission to share as much about personal finance as possible, helping others get a handle on it, much earlier than he did.
Money is not Taboo’s Contributing Editor Courtney, of Your Average Dough
Click on Courtney's smiling face to jump to her website.
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Hustle Away Debt, by David Carlson
David Carlson's Hustle Away Debt is packed with ideas on how to make money to pay off debt. Even if you don't have debt, you can learn how to make some extra coin. Click on the image above to learn more.
Dear Debt, by Melanie Lockert
Melanie Lockert's Dear Debt is chock full of great info and humor. Her "conversations" with debt really set this book off. Learn more by clicking the image above.