Insights: The Pandemic and Your Money

Image by Mary Pahlke from Pixabay, with Edits

Morning, $$$ Buddies!

It’s 2:15, Sunday morning, and arthritis has driven me out of bed again. As I usually do at times like this, I reach for my iPhone to check the weather outlook for the day. Today I plan to do some radio control helicopter and airplane flying, so I grabbed my phone to check on the predicted winds.

After rubbing the sleep from my eyes, and making some repairs on my RC helicopter, I noticed a Twitter alert on my phone.

One of the folks I follow, Stephonee of Poorer Than You, had liked a Tweet by Ramit Sethi, of I Will Teach You To Be Rich.

Ramit tweeted:

“I’m curious – – what’s something that the pandemic has made you realize about your money?”

Ramit Sethi, Twitter, Apr. 20, 2020

Earlier this week I tweeted: ” What’s your Financial Take Away from the COVID-19 situation? ”

In doing so, I shared the following:

” Have more liquid assets available than I did. Luckily I’ve been in the position to do so, and have.”

Although I had an emergency fund to cover three months of expenses, I was looking at, and still am, the possibility of having to have the transmission in my truck worked on. I didn’t want to tap into my EF, nor did I like the idea of depleting my other cash reserves, in case I need them, so I made some adjustments to my discretionary fund accounts.

In response to my Tweet above, I received the following two replies:

Courtney of Your Average Dough:

“Always live below your means because you never know when things will change.”

A Dime Saved:

“That you can lose all security in a minute.”

Whereas I received two responses to my Tweet, Ramit received numerous more. Well, Ramit has quite a few more followers than I do. QUITE A FEW!!

As much as I would like to share all of the responses that Ramit received, I’m going to share a number of them this morning and follow up with more later on.

Here’s 5 responses to Ramit’s Tweet: “I’m curious — what’s something that the pandemic has made you realize about your money?”

” How much commuting costs.”

Jon Sibilia of

“Spending doesn’t stop in a recession, spending changes—and people are definitely buying things.”

Sarah Kathleen Peck of

” I was wasting a lot of it on things I don’t need. Doing just fine with biweekly grocery store trips.”

Katie O

” Emergency savings should be a larger priority than 401k in the short-term.”

Jake B  of

” I spend A LOT more on gas, tolls, and take out meals/entertainment than I originally thought; I’ve been able to pay down a decent amount of debt by working from home and cooking almost daily.”

Rad of

Definitely some good insights shared with Ramit. Thanks to Ramit for the original Tweet and Stephonee for bringing it to my attention.

Well, my Ibuprofen has kicked in and my eyelids are getting heavy, so I’m going shut down and try to get some more sleep.

There’s more interesting responses to Ramit’s question, so I’ll share more in a few days.

So, for now:

Until next time, Peace!

Posted in Commentary, Emergency Fund, Note Worthy, Spending | Comments Off on Insights: The Pandemic and Your Money