Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way

Howdy, Money Buddies!

Hope everyone is doing well, despite COVID-19 and the strife in the world.

A major change in life, divorce, has prompted the need for a new will. So, I have a law firm working on it. While putting material together for the law firm, one morning, I was texting Co-Editor Courtney of Your Average Dough, and asked if she thought it would be a good topic for her site.

Courtney replied Yes. I wrote a piece. Courtney published it.

Since I didn’t write the piece for Money I$ Not Taboo, I thought I’d share it here, as well as a piece I wrote for my original site, Towards Your Better Life.

Personally, I think that EVERYBODY should have a will. No need to let a Judge determine where your wealth is going to go.

So if you’re interested in learning more, check out the posts below.

Your Last Will and Testament: An Important Element in Your Financial Planning – Your Average Dough dot Com

Will Power: Nothing to Do With Dieting – Towards Your Better Life dot Com

With that, if you don’t have a Will, what are you waiting for?

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